As the debate rages on between "shelter in Place" and returning to the "new Normal", courts in Southern California have adopted the more conservative approach that "its too soon". Although several courts originally were only closed through March or April, San Diego, Orange County,and Riverside Superior Courts have all extended their closures well into May. Riverside has posted a closure until at least May 15th, with Orange County and San Diego shuttered until at least May 22. Each Court will have "triage" services for emergencies such as Domestic Violence Restraining orders and Habeus Corpus filings.
In-custody cases are affected by the Corona Virus and California Supreme Court Emergency Orders which extend the time period an arrestee has to be brought before the court when arrested without a warrant. The high Court has already reduced to $0 most bail for non-serious, non-violent offenses in an effort to reduce jail populations, however arrests are still being made for Domestic Violence, burglary, and other serious and violent offenses.
If you have a loved one that has been arrested in these unprecedented times, call today for help. There are procedures in place to seek the immediate release of an arrestee, even without bail, and such relief should be sought to avoid potential exposure to the Covid-19 virus, whose threat is significantly increased in confined areas such as local jails.
In many cases, even after an arrest, its possible to obtain the release of a non-sentenced inmate through negotiations with DA and judges who are reluctant to subject accused citizens to unreasonable dangers of custody.
Call today to discuss how I can help 760 643-4025 Bailey Criminal Defense, Inc.
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